About our Group

Welcome to the CCC Youth homepage!

If you would like to join us, you may come at any or all of these times! 

Youth Fellowship: Friday, 6:45pm-9pm (dinner provided)
Sunday Worship: 9:50am-11:20am
Sunday School: 11:40am-12:30pm

We are devoted to:


We love the lord!


We desire to grow in God!


We strive to serve the Lord in many different ways!

Meet our Board

The board is the group of people that help manage our youth group.

Li-En Jung

Director of Youth Program

John Zhang

Chair: He helps manage the youth group and keep it in order.

Adrienne Li

Co-Chair: Assists the chair

Nolan Zeng


Harry Fu


Jasmine Zeng


Photo Gallery!

Trip to Austin

Our annual trips! We went to Austin to meet different Christians who we could fellowship with! Also to enjoy the city with our church buddies.

Austin Fellowship

At Austin, we didn’t only look at famous monuments, we also worshipped the Lord!

San Antonio Trip

Our annual trips! We went to San Antonio to meet different Christians who we could fellowship with! Also to enjoy the city with our church buddies.

Singing for the Church

The Youth loves to prepare songs for the church to listen to!

Trip to Austin

In a park in Austin to snap a few pictures.

Trip to Austin

On the mountaintop in Austin. 

Trinity Pines

A retreat to Trinity Pines let us worship the Lord in a new enviornent.

Poster Event

A poster competition! Who can make the best poster displaying their assigned page of the wordless book!

Come visit our Facebook page!